AEM sub projects - modular projects
Use Case: Let's say you have "Project-Proton" , "Project-Electron" both use some reusable components, templates from "Project-Atom". Instructions to deploy a "Project-Atom" to an AEM instance as part of other project ("Project-Proton", "Project-Electron"). PRE REQUISITE: Local .m2 repository or Internal nexus central repository has "Project-Atom" artifact available in nexus repository. Have the Internal nexus central repository as repository in "Project-Proton". "Project-Atom" aem project provides reusable templates, pages, components, branding across Corporate aem projects. Following are the changes required for any project that would like to use "Project-Atom" features. There are two approaches to do this. Please implement the following changes in "Project-Proton" or "Project-Electron" APPROACH 1: Bundle POM Ple...